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Race against Hunger fundraising success

21st April 2021

On Saturday 27 March thousands of Trussell Trust supporters across the UK pulled on their joggers and laced up their trainers to take part in the first ever Race Against Hunger 5K.

17 of these participants were our very own Brent Foodbank team, the Brent Trussell Trotters, an enthusiastic group of walkers, joggers, runners and trotters dedicated to completing the 5K by whatever means necessary!

The day kicked off with an energetic virtual group warm-up session, then the team headed their separate ways to begin the challenge. Friends and family provided welcome motivation, cheering on the team from far and wide, and thanks to the efforts of the Trotters and the generosity of our supporters we raised over £2590.

A brilliant result and a big thank you to everyone who supported this event, together we can build a hunger free future.

If you would like to learn more and sign up for our Hunger Free Future campaign please visit

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