
Thank you McVittes

12th April 2024

Brent Foodbank would like to say a Big Thank You to McVities Harlesden. Their amazing support has helped us distribute over 1600 food parcels over the past year. We are incredibly grateful to have such fantastic support.

McVities are a valued partner of Brent Foodbank. Last January, we presented them with a certificate of recognition for their fantastic work. Their support has enabled Brent Foodbank to meet increasing demand across all our distribution centres. McVities staff have been hard at work preparing foodbank parcels at our warehouse for families across the London Borough of Brent.

Our distribution centre at St. Mary’s Church, Neasden processes 120 foodbank vouchers per week. Our clients are greeted at the door with a warm cup of coffee and a selection of McVities biscuits and snacks. The Popping Candy Bars and Mini Cheddars have proven to be a real treat in the school holidays. Foodbanks can be a very difficult place to visit, especially for first time clients. We provide a warm and sheltered space for all our clients. They are grateful for the chance to meditate, or chat with friends and family over a coffee and biscuit.

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